
Mapping the project

Aim:The participants work out an overview of the (possible) actors, objectives, ideas and capabilities on their side of a potential partnership.

Duration:min. 60 min, up to 120 min
Participants:up to 15
Materials:a large sheet of paper (as large as possible), pens, coloured paper cards (one colour should be round, one colour square, one colour triangular)

Procedure:Write “Our project/our partnership” in the centre of the large sheet of paper. Based on the questions on the following page, you can “map“ the project piece by piece: Start by collecting the (possible) actors on the round cards. Next, arrange them around the centre of the large sheet of paper in accordance with their current level of involvement in the project, either closer or further away. Continue by collecting the objectives and ideas of each actor on the square cards and placing them next to the round actor cards. Finally, collect the capabilities of each actor on the triangular cards and add them to the other cards. Actors who are personally taking part in this process (e.g. participating pupils or staff) should define their own objectives and capabilities. For the last two phases, the participants can also work in small groups dedicated to one actor each. Afterwards, the map can be used to determine the possible next steps: Which actors do we still want to add? What are the goals that we all agree on? What knowledge and capabilities do we already have and what is still missing?