Options for public relations work
Posters created by the pupils of
the Schule am Wingster Wald,
Designing posters and showcases
By displaying a large poster or a showcase in a clearly visible location in a school, association or youth club, it is possible to reach many (young) people – literally in passing. It is important that the contents can be quickly grasped and are clearly structured. Large headings should summarise the most important points, and the text should be short and to the point. In many cases, detailed bullet points will be sufficient. The font size should be chosen so that it can be easily read from a distance of one meter. Simple fonts are ideal. Handwritten designs should be avoided because of their poor legibility. Photos are also important, and they should depict a large motif rather than many small details. A caption should explain the subject of the photo and who took it..
Publishing reports on a website
Does the school, association or organisation have a website? In addition to important information about the project and its sponsors, the website should also include testimonials. Or perhaps some of the participants have their own blog where they would like to publish their experiences? Using the free Wordpress tool, it is also possible to quickly create a website for the project. This would allow the reports of both partner organisations to be published on the same platform. In the case of joint websites, it should always be clearly indicated who the authors of the individual texts are. It is also important that the articles are properly structured. Each text should cover only one topic, otherwise it will be too long, and its various aspects can be clarified by means of subheadings. Websites offer plenty of space for images, which can be compiled in a photo gallery, for example. Or perhaps short videos have been created that could also be uploaded?

Website of the Gesamtschule
Bremen Mitte, Germany,
with information about its
partnership with an association
in Nairobi, Kenya
Social media
Messengers such as WhatsApp and social media such as Instagram or Facebook can also be used for public relations purposes. During an exchange visit, this makes it possible to share pictures with friends, family or a wider audience in real time. Using the “Story” function, pictures and videos are available for a maximum of 24 hours, which makes it ideal for uploading funny snapshots, for example. If published as a post, pictures become permanently visible. A short text should describe why the picture is being published, who took it and what added value it offers to users. This enables the participants to convey important facts or to share their impressions in a reflected way. Depending on the platform, the pictures have different formats and sizes – Facebook uses the landscape format while Instagram favours portrait or square formats. Using a hashtag makes the posts easier to find, which is why it also makes sense for the participants to agree on a common one. In addition, the reach of social media posts can also be enhanced if all participants share the posts with each other or tag each other in the text and images.

Facebook page of Youth for
Environment and Sustainable
Development (YSD) from Lilongwe,
Malawi, with photos from the
“Connect for Change“ conference
Media relations
Ideally, someone knows a media representative and can arrange a meeting with him/her. During an interview, the journalist will ask questions and then use the answers to write a text that he/she will then release for publication.
If no direct links to media representatives exist, a press release can help to make the educational partnership known to the public. Since journalists receive a lot of information every day, it is important to explain to them right from the start why this information or report should be published in a newspaper, on the radio or on television. The easier it is for the journalist to process the press release, the better, bringing you one step closer to getting it published. To this end, the “W” questions need to be considered, starting with the most important one. Quotes from the people involved are particularly significant in this respect. A good photo also increases the chance of being featured in a newspaper, for example. It is important to provide a contact person including a telephone number for possible questions. The press release should be sent by email with the photos attached. The contact details can be found in the publisher‘ s imprint inside the newspaper or on the websites of the media outlets in question.

Newspaper article about the
partnership between Vocational
School No. 1 in Gifhorn, Germany
and the St. Germain School in
Agona Swedru, Ghana