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The whole-institution approach in Education for Sustainable Development

Education for Sustainable Development can only unfold its full potential if the organisations that provide it work in a holistic way. If a place of learning follows the whole-institution approach, Education for Sustainable Development can become more than just a classroom topic. The methods and learning processes as well as event and organisational management should also be based on sustainability criteria. This includes continuing education measures for teachers and administrative staff as well as the participation of all parties in decision-making processes.


The school‘s educational mission: The Lower Saxony School Act, an example from Germany

Article 2 of the Lower Saxony School Act defines the educational mandate of schools, which also leaves room for participation in international education partnerships and projects. “Students should be enabled,

  • to make fundamental rights effective for themselves and for each other, to understand the civic responsibility that arises from these rights and to contribute to a democratic society,
  • to act in accordance with ethical principles and to recognise and respect religious and cultural values,
  • to manage their relations with others in accordance with the principles of justice, solidarity, tolerance and gender equality,
  • to grasp and support the idea of international understanding, especially the idea of a common future for the peoples of Europe, and to live together with people of other nations and cultures,
  • to grasp economic and environmental connections,
  • to take responsibility for the conservation of the environment and to live in a health-conscious manner,
  • to solve conflicts in a rational manner, but also to endure conflicts,
  • to obtain comprehensive information and to use that information critically
  • to develop their perceptive and emotional faculties and their means of expression, including in the regionally significant forms of Low German and Frisian,
  • to assert themselves in their professional life and to participate in shaping their social environments in a responsible manner.”“
